What a week..... although it's not the end of the week yet.....
Basically sums up the week with exam exam exam exam and exam AGAIN. Although it's just the 1st assessment, but everyone was so tensed and stressed up. .....idk why.... STRESS. Being so busy since the beginning of the year with all the stuffs and suddenly this assessment came in and kinda ruined my routine. Burnt midnight oil since a week ago everyday just to cover the syllabus. And panda eyes, heavy eye bags, sore throat, flu, headache, tiredness haunted men sigh. Don't even give a damn anymore to the results, whatever it is, I'm just gonna comfort myself penilaian 1 JE. haih life a s a student. #calonspm2014
In the midst of stresssss, 2NE1's new full album -- Crush is released! :D *fangirling mood on* All the songs are so awesome and yengness overload hehehe. Really love that kind of power shown in them and their vocals are just so beautiful. :) No doubt the queens, proud blackjacks ^^v. Can't wait for their world tour to start daebakk!
They love me cuz I'm hot. They love me cuz I'm cold. They love me cuz I'm real. They love me cuz I kill. I have 2NE1 brother, bleukkk. (Y)
Oh and a big salute to my cousin sister who went bald for a cancer awareness charity campaign. Big clap for her bravery, courageous and spiritual attitude. I bet no one has ever had the guts to shave their hair especially the girls. You're truly an inspiration, my only cousin sister. :) "it's the big-heart that matters"
Meh, eyes are getting heavier.
Hope everything that's going on to be fine. It's going to be the 3rd chapter of 17. :)
"Last of the last."
Layout by tentylers. Image from weheartit.